Thursday, September 3, 2020

From Inclusion to Friendship Essay -- Special Education

â€Å"The 1% of US understudies with names of extreme inabilities including mental impediment have been generally barred from ‘inclusive’ education† (Bentley, 2008, p. 543). Laws, for example, PL 94-142 and â€Å"No Child Left Behind† (as refered to in Bentley), state that ‘public school understudies with a wide range of inabilities be taught at all prohibitive environmentâ€â€˜to the greatest degree possible†¦with youngsters who don't have disabilities’ most of these understudies with a specialized curriculum marks, for example, mental hindrance and various incapacities are as yet confined in a custom curriculum homerooms (Bentley, 2008, p. 545). Wehmeyer (as refered to in Bentley), calls attention to that unimportant access doesn't advance true support (Bentley, 2008, p. 546). Burkowski et al (as refered to in Webster and Cater), â€Å"Friendship has been characterized as a bond between two people that is steady across time and in cludes common fondness, shared inclination and having a fabulous time together† (Webster and Carter, 2007, p. 201). It is up to guardians, educators and different paraprofessionals to look for approaches to encourage and support the sorts of positive collaborations that will cultivate these kinds of kinships. Whenever done effectively all understudies will profit and there will be genuine incorporation. So as to assist understudies with building up these significant connections there must initially be a base of correspondence and coordinated effort between instructors, guardians and paraeducators who all offer a stake in supporting and enabling understudies with and without inabilities. Bringing down and Peckham-Hardin found that the two educators and guardians refered to correspondence and filling in as a group were basic for really comprehensive instruction. The absolute most significant segments of this correspondence and collaboration ... ...ons from the 1%: Children with Labels of Severe Disabilities and Their Peers as Architects of Inclusive Education. Universal Journal of Inclusive Education, 12(5-6), 543-561. Causton-Theoharis, J. C., and Malmgren, K. C. (2005). Expanding peer collaborations for understudies with serious inabilities by means of paraprofessional preparing. Excellent Children, 7(4), 431-444. Copeland, S. R., Hughes, C., Carter, E. W., Guth, C., Presley, J. A., Williams, C. R., and Fowler, S. E. (2004). Expanding Access to General Education: Perspectives of Participants in a High School Peer Support Program. Therapeutic and Special Education, 25(6), 342-352. Bringing down, J. E., and Peckham-Hardin, K. D. (2007). Comprehensive Education: What Makes It a Good Education for Students with Moderate to Severe Disabilities?. Examination and Practice for Persons With Severe Disabilities (RPSD), 32(1), 16-30.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

A Psychiatric Disorder with a Biologic Basis OCD Free Essays

Over the top Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a mental issue with a biologic premise. It incorporates meddlesome musings (fixations) and dreary customs (impulses). The fixations produce uneasiness while the impulses lessen nervousness. We will compose a custom exposition test on A Psychiatric Disorder with a Biologic Basis: OCD or then again any comparative point just for you Request Now Tension is characterized as a â€Å"hyperalert state causing unreasonable autonomic excitement and reduced coping† (1). The fixations are monotonous musings the individual can't shield from having that can incorporate thoughts, desires to accomplish something, or pictures. The impulses can incorporate exorbitant hand washing activated by on over the top worry about germs. Or then again, the individual may feel continually perilous and need to over and again check their wellbeing, for example, more than once ensuring that the entryways are bolted or that the oven has been killed. The reason for OCD is a neurochemical irregularity in the cerebrum, so prescription can be a significant piece of treatment. It is the fourth most basic mental issue in America, happening as often as possible as schizophrenia. 5 million individuals in the United States have OCD, pretty much similarly partitioned among guys and females. Despite the fact that OCD is now and again treated daintily, it is a genuine issue. Up to 92% of individuals with it state it has meddled with significant connections, and about 60% report that it diminished either homework or with their occupations. Day by day designs are influenced by the tedious idea of impulses or in light of the fact that the individual attempts to dodge circumstances that trigger their OCD reactions. Three distinct synapses have been ensnared in OCD: nor epinephrine, serotonin, and dopamine. Since synapses are included, drug can regularly help in the administration of OCD. Conclusion depends on the individual’s side effects and can incorporate meeting, perception, the utilization of surveys, and reports from relatives with respect to the person’s troubles. Notwithstanding drug, training and brief directing can enable the person to get their turmoil. Subjective treatment can help the individual use rationale and discerning deduction to battle the impacts of OCD. The most effective method to refer to A Psychiatric Disorder with a Biologic Basis: OCD, Essay models

Friday, August 21, 2020

9 Types of Functional Variation

9 Types of Functional Variation 9 Types of Functional Variation 9 Types of Functional Variation By Mark Nichol As a rule, we effectively recognize a word’s grammatical form, however a given word’s linguistic classification can move, or one type of the word can contrast in importance from another, in a procedure called practical variety. For instance, note the adjustment in importance of fly in the accompanying sentences: â€Å"He got a fly† (thing), â€Å"He captured a fly ball† (modifier), â€Å"He will fly there tonight† (action word), and â€Å"He got the ball on the fly† (some portion of a verb-modifying phrase). These and different kinds of practical variety are depicted beneath: 1. Things as Adjectives Things are habitually utilized to adjust different things (for instance, in â€Å"light fixture,† â€Å"grape jam,† and â€Å"railroad track†). Be that as it may, issues incorporate equivocal use, for example, in the expression â€Å"box set,† which can mean â€Å"a set in a box† (and is hence better rendered â€Å"boxed set†) or â€Å"a set of boxes,† and descriptive word stacking, or utilizing an over the top arrangement of things as descriptors. 2. Descriptive words as Nouns The opposite can occur, as when an expression, for example, â€Å"a speculative situation† is shortened to the descriptive word turned thing theoretical or when an individual or a gathering is distinguished, for instance, as in â€Å"the homeless.† 3. Things as Verbs This sort of change is pervasive in the business world and in other language benevolent conditions, where terms for things, for example, effect, standard, and content become activity words. 4. Action words as Nouns Present participles, for example, chuckling are utilized as things: In â€Å"Who was laughing?† snickering is an action word; notwithstanding, it’s a thing in â€Å"Did you hear that laughing?† (in spite of the fact that it is smarter to utilize the thing giggling). 5. Action words as Adjectives Participles likewise fill in as descriptive words. To utilize the past model, chuckling can likewise adjust a thing, as in â€Å"See that giggling girl?† (albeit one could likewise compose, â€Å"See that young lady laughing?†). 6. Descriptive words as Verbs Such moves are uncommon to the point that the main ones that happen to me are terms I every so often use in these posts: lowercase and capitalized, as in â€Å"Lowercase work titles after a name,† in which lowercase alludes to an activity including work titles, as opposed to depicting a kind of treatment of an occupation title. 7. Relational words as Adverbs At the point when one alludes, for instance, to â€Å"calling up reserves† or â€Å"casting off from the dock,† one is utilizing informal phrasal action words to depict how calling or throwing happens, however some phrasal action words are just non-literal; â€Å"calling up,† for instance, includes no upward development, while â€Å"casting off† truly brings about one done being on the dock. 8. Conjunctions as Prepositions In uncommon cases, a combination can fill in as a relational word, as when at the same time, which generally works as a combination, as in â€Å"I was there, yet I didn’t see you,† is utilized as an equivalent word for aside from, as in â€Å"Everyone yet you has agreed.† 9. Different Parts of Speech as Interjections Most grammatical features can fill in as an interruptive or exclamatory term, including things (â€Å"Dude!†), pronouns (â€Å"Me!), action words (â€Å"See?†), modifiers (â€Å"Wonderful!†), and verb modifiers (â€Å"Slowly!†). Need to improve your English quickly a day? Get a membership and begin accepting our composing tips and activities every day! Continue learning! Peruse the Grammar classification, check our well known posts, or pick a related post below:Fly, Flew, (has) FlownFlied?15 Great Word Games10 Tips for Clean, Clear Writing

Monday, June 15, 2020

Merits Of Having Friends Who Can Lend You Money - 550 Words

Merits Of Having Friends Who Can Lend You Money (Essay Sample) Content: DOES BORROWING MONEY HARM FRIENDSHIP?It was once said by a great writer that, No man is an island and that no man can actually stand alone. We all know that a true friend will always stand by you at your times of trouble and thus giving all due sense to the saying a friend in need is a friend in deed.Ever since people have argued that borrowing money from friends is bad and others say that borrowing money from friends is not bad unless one gets to return the money on time. Borrowing money from friends usually comes with its disadvantages in that the money lent to you comes with so many strings attached. The fruits or benefits per say of the money lent must be seen at the end of it all. Failure to this, leads in disbelief in the friendship. One of the friends might see the partner as someone who cannot prosper no matter what and this may lead to the two parting ways.However, borrowing money from friends has more advantages in that it there is a potential debt forgivene ss. One is not allowed to borrow...

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Field Study - 884 Words

HOME ECONOMICS: AN INSTRUMENT TO THE FUTURE LIFE OF STUDENTS Home Economics is the profession and field of study that deals with the economics and management of the home and community. Home economics is a field of formal study including such topics as consumer education, institutional management, interior design, home furnishing, cleaning, handicrafts, sewing, clothing and textiles, cooking, nutrition, food preservation, hygiene, child development, and family relationships. It prepares students for homemaking or professional careers. Home Economics is also known as Family and Consumer Sciences. It is study at all levels of education concerned with training for effective home and family living. This includes educating the†¦show more content†¦Referring back to past studies and my own personal beliefs, I hope to help the reader understand the benefits of receiving an education in home economics and how the knowledge obtained through this program will prove valuable throughout the lifespan. The most important aspect of a home economics education is that students not only learn about subject matter that has relevance to their present lives, but will constantly be of use as they continue to grow. One area of home economics that is considered to be among the most essential is the emphasis on personal development, decision making and intrapersonal skills. In addition to the development of valuable intrapersonal skills, the home economics curriculum also introduces the students to a wide variety of potential career paths. Students become aware of all the career opportunities relating to each domain, as well as being taught the skills associated with them. Those who find themselves intrigued by course material may begin to consider an occupation in a related area. The home economics discipline has led individuals to the fields of education, nutrition, social service, and hospitality management, to name a few. It is hard to find a single subject taught in schools today that incorporates as many topics of interest as home economics, helping students to become more well-rounded individuals. (University of Michigan) Promote teaching home economics as a viable career option with high-schoolShow MoreRelatedWhiteness as a Field of Study2712 Words   |  11 PagesAmerica. Whiteness, Law and Immigration Antecedents and Beginnings Even if the field was born in the 1990’s some of its questions were asked before. The study of white groups of people in multicultural societies like the American has always been in the mind of some scholars. The mass migration to the United States has made it a fertile ground for this kind of studies. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay on Real Women Have Curves - 1048 Words

Adam Milkovich Professor David Finley English 101 20 April 2012 Women in Unfair Work Conditions: The Fight Over Independence or Family! The play Real Women Have Curves was written by Josefina Lopez, it depicted the hard ships of immigrant female workers and the power and strength of women working together as one. About a decade later a movie was made. However the movie Real Women Have Curves still shows the same struggles these women in the play face and also shows how strong women working together can be. The key differences from the movie and the play are that they depict two different stories and almost give off completely different messages, especially when the movie has†¦show more content†¦In the play the men are made out as bad guys and Ana is waiting to hear from NYU through financial aid. More so in the movie it is Ana’s mom who does not want her to go away to college and make a better life for her only because she want’s Ana to grow up how she grew up. Ana strives to be an independent woman who wants to find love. But her mom just wants her to find a husband to take care of her. Ana even goes as far as telling her mother â€Å"Why is a women’s virginity the only thing that matters? I have thoughts, feelings, and opinions.† (Real) her mother looks at her weird. On the other hand there is Ana’s teacher Mr. Guzman, who sees the benefits from sending Ana to college and leaver her dirty old neighborhood. Mr. Guzman helps Ana out by pulling some strings at Colombia University. He also tells her to apply for scholarships, but when she doesn’t he shows up at her house. When she did get into Colombia University the first person to tell her was Mr. Guzman. Ana’s mother does not support Ana leaving for college and leaving the family. Even on the day does leave, her mom doesn’t even say goodbye to her own daughter. Another difference in the movie from the play is the obvious different points of view. The play is told from Estela’s point of view and the mo vie is shown through Ana’s point of view. The play shows more of Estela’s struggles in the factory, not being able to pay for the machines, paying rent and most being an undocumented worker in theShow MoreRelated The Movie, Real Women Have Curves Essay1734 Words   |  7 Pagesfilm Real Women Have Curves stresses how important higher education is to a Mexican-American teenager and the wrath she endures from her mother because of her weight and aspiration. Mark Twain stated that, â€Å"Keep away from those who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you believe that you too can become great† ( I believe I can personally relate to Real WomenRead MoreAnalysis Of The Movie Real Women Have Curves 1152 Words   |  5 PagesJosefina Lopez writer of the play and co-screenwriter of the movie â€Å"Real Women Have Curves† create d two important characters, Ana and Carmen, to demonstrate real life issues in the Mexican-American culture. In the movie Carmen becomes the antagonist that constantly torments Ana. Several identities were pushed onto Ana, forcing her have to break through her family’s old-fashioned cultural beliefs as well as her community’s stereotypes. Ana remained resilient regardless of what her mother put her throughRead More`` Real Women Have Curves : An Individual s Pursuit Of The American Dream897 Words   |  4 PagesIn the film, Real Women Have Curves portrays the theme that the American Dream is achievable, but greatly hindered to obtain it. Ana Garcia continuously faces obstacles such as not having equal opportunities to partake in extracurricular activities, a quality education institution, and the continuous struggle between her mother s traditions and the modern world s definition of a women. Ultimately, she successfully passed through these hindrances and achieved it . The American Dream is the idealRead More`` Real Women Have Curves : An Individual s Pursuit Of The American Dream888 Words   |  4 Pages In the film, â€Å"Real Women Have Curves† portrays the theme that the American Dream is achievable, but greatly hindered to obtain it. Ana Garcia continuously faces obstacles such as not having equal opportunities to partake in extracurricular activities, a quality education institution, and the continuous struggle between her mother s traditions and the modern world s definition of a woman. Ultimately, she successfully passed through these hindrances and achieved her goals. The American Dream isRead MoreDove Case1160 Words   |  5 Pagesand how is it controlled at the time of this case? Ans: In product category they offered multiple brand. Each brand operated as a separate business compare with its siblings as well as other firms. Each brand has a different strategy for that they have separate delivery of profit target. BRAND MANAGEMENT before 2000.   Multiple brands within a product category, Each Brand as separate business. Staff of Brand Assistants executing policies of Brand manager. Each Brand Manager, responsible asRead MoreIn The Movie â€Å"Real Woman Have Curves† And â€Å"La Mascara Del1656 Words   |  7 PagesIn the movie â€Å"Real Woman have Curves† and â€Å"La Mascara Del Chivo† they both have Mexican culture connections. The movie and the story go in completely different directions of entertainment from each other, yet still hold similar morals from how growing up in a Mexican culture defines them. The movie and play can’t be compared in anything except the morals that both main characters have. In â€Å"La Mascara Del Chivo† it shows how a drug dealer tries to murder another one in his dying bed with the priestRead MoreGender, Class And Traditional Culture903 Words   |  4 PagesGender, class and traditional culture all have a prodigious impact on the fate of ones future and the obstacles that arise in the pursuit of the American Dream. In the film , Real Women Have Curves, the viewer can witness firsthand what it entails to live a lifestyle of a first generation Mexican teenager living in a Hispanic neighborhood in East Los Angles. The film draws you in on an intimate level and allows you to relate to the culture and viewpoints of traditional Mexican heritage. The take homeRead MoreTraditional Practices And Other Cultural Beliefs1748 Words   |  7 Pagessociety that sticks to its traditions means that one has to fight the battle of cultural norms and requirements of the modern society. Patricia Cardosa brings out issues of family values, racism and social expectations of women in the film ‘Real Women have Curves’. In the film, women are required by society or their families to fulfill specific family values against their wish. On the other hand, Villanueva raises similar issues in his autoethnography. In one part, the book is an autobiographical, givingRead MoreThe Role Of Young Chicana Women701 Words   |   3 PagesYoung Chicana women typical expectations are to follow the parents’ rules. In the films â€Å"Mosquita Y Mari† and â€Å"Real Women have curves†, the young Chicana women resist these gender cultural norms. The resistance of these gender norms is not a challenge to others but away to voice the opinion that I am my own person and not somebody else. Anna from the film ‘Real Women have Curves† and Mari from the film â€Å"Mosquita y Mari† have a strong dislike for their families and want something else then what theirRead MoreGender Roles, Feminism, And Feminism855 Words   |  4 PagesCorrespondently to breaking down gender roles, feminism plays an important role in Chicana/o literature. In Lopez’s Real Women Have Curves feminism is defined in accordance to the Chicana/o community and differently from 60s and 70s white feminism that did not considered intersectionalities (Ruiz, Lecture, 4/5/16). In the play Ana tries to empower the women by preaching about the power of taking control of their bodies, sexuality, and ultimate their destiny; however Estela harshly stops her with:

A Good Man Is Hard To Find Essay On The Grandmother Example For Students

A Good Man Is Hard To Find Essay On The Grandmother A good Man is Hard to FindThe reason a good man is hard to find is because if ones standards are to high their goal is almost impossible to reach. The grandmothers mindset was still in the past she falls into the old southern woman stereotype. The Southern woman wanted a religious, upstanding southern gentleman and in this day and age that type of individual is hard to find. The grandmother has a strong faith in god and it affects every aspect of her life. The misfit doesnt believe in god he believes that god through everything off balance by claming to raise the dead but no one can prove it so therefore he has no faith, this totally contradicts the grandmothers beliefs. What I drew from the statement somebody there to shoot her every minute of her life is that as soon as death was near, the old lady changed from a bitter old racist to an understanding and compassionate southern lady. This is a direct knock on southern life and how many older people in the south hide behind the faade of religion and manners to disguise their racist and bitter ways. If someone had threatened her every minute of her life, then she could have been nice all the time, not just when it mattered. Poetry Paper The purpose of this project is to help you develop an appreciation of one authors ability to involve you in deep reading of literature. Write a 4-5 page paper on a short story or novel by a writer from the list below. (You may not choose a story we have discussed in class.) Pay careful attention to, and write in depth about, plot (dont simply retell the story) character development (what does the author do to make us care what happens to the main character) figurative language (how does the authors use irony, symbolism, etc. help create deeper levels of understanding of the theme the author is exploring) You are responsible for researching the writer/stories in at least two academic journal articles. You may not simply go out to the Internet for your sources, they will not be credited. You may also not simply provide a quote or two from the articles. You must demonstrate that you have read the articles in their entirety and how they have led to an understanding of the wr iter and/or the stories. You are not required to include biographies of the writers. Provide biographical information only if it relates directly to our understanding of the story. Follow the formatting you used in your poetry paper. Ssee the course syllabus if you have questions about form. William Faulkner Edgar Alan Poe Flannery OConnor Ernest Hemingway Herman Melville Gabriel Garcia Marquez Richard Wright Katherine Anne Porter James Joyce Ralph Ellison The paper is due the 1st class following the Spring Break, April 2. You are required to have attended at least one session at the Writing Center by Thursday, March 22nd.